Dear Prospering Ones:
This is a time of Holy Spirit movement! As we advance in this harvest season, our heart’s desire is to see God’s glory poured out. Keith Pierce reminded me earlier this week of when David desired to bring up the Ark to Jerusalem. When his initial attempt failed, the Ark remained in the house of Obed Edom for six months, and was a source of great blessing to that household. As we press beyond Pentecost, we want to make room for God’s glory. Be sure to join us this Sunday at 9 AM (CDT) when Keith ministers on “PROSPERING AT OBED EDOM!”
Prosper in the Garden!
Each day I am at the Global Spheres Center, I drive past the Garden to enjoy the beauty and Presence of God that is there and pray that it permeates our entire campus. Please take a few minutes to enjoy the Garden through our latest video. I am reading Colossians 1:11-20, and declaring you will be made strong with all the strength that comes from His glorious power, and will be prepared to endure everything with patience while joyfully giving thanks to the Father.

Shabbat shalom,
Chuck D. Pierce