“Roll Up Your Cares and I Will Rain Down Results!”
Dear Expectant Ones:
There are times when we must develop child-like faith to see our atmosphere change! I never want to lose an expectancy for God to manifest in our lives … whether it’s to enjoy a blackberry cobbler or for the sky to cloud over and pour down rain. Yesterday’s service was a celebration of our faith in a miracle working God! He not only opens the floodgates of heaven and restores our expectation, but He also gives us authority to break curses. If you could not join us, I encourage you to watch the replay, move in a way that causes the heavens above you to change, and receive “Keys to Overcoming a Curse!”
“Roll Up Your Cares and I Will Rain Down Results!”
If we cast our cares on the Lord then we are able to see how He intervenes and changes our circumstances. As this Prophecy Center video from yesterday’s service demonstrates, we can gain authority and a renewed expectation for our atmosphere to change. Watch how the Lord waters your future!

A Changing Heavens Testimony!
After yesterday’s service, I received this testimony from Corina Bowery on how the Lord changed the atmosphere over her home:
On June 25, I was talking to the Lord and said, “Lord, please put a cloud over my house and let it rain because I need my yard watered. I know Your Word says that we would decree a thing and it would be established, and to take authority over the atmosphere that we could speak to the wind and the waves and they would obey us. But nothing has happened.” The very next day it clouded up in the afternoon out of nowhere — it wasn’t predicted, it wasn’t on the radar, and there wasn’t even a chance of partly cloudy skies. Around 2:30 PM it started sprinkling and I got so excited. I was talking to the Lord and praising Him for what He had done. It started raining harder and it rained for about 15 to 20 minutes solid at my house in Lake Dallas. I FaceTimed my friend Cyndi and told her about what was going on, and she said to send the cloud to her house! I knew this experience along with everything that was being said this morning on the theme of rain coming down was to be shared. What Chuck started speaking about taking authority – that was exactly what I had experienced. God is awesome!
Renew your expectation for the heavens to change and continue to call forth the “rain” in your atmosphere!
Chuck D. Pierce