Dear Advancing Ones:
I have finished reading every card and note that you have sent during the holiday season. Your love and appreciation is humbling. My heart’s desire is that each of you would continue pressing into the goodness of our Father.
Unshakable Trust in the Midst of Chaos! A Prophetic Word for 2021 by Rose Sambrook
We have yet another prophecy for the new year to share with you today. Even though Rose Sambrook and her husband, Kevin, live in Belfast, Northern Ireland, they are webcasters and remain very connected with this ministry. They have an apostolic hub, Rhema Restoration Ministries, and have ministered here on several occasions. After one of our recent services, Rose texted a powerful word that I asked her to capture by video. Watch now and declare unshakable trust in the midst of chaos is your portion!
Securing Our Victory Strategy in this Year of Worshiping and Warring!
Chuck D. Pierce