Reaching Out to Demonstrate Who You Are!
Dear Advancing Ones:
This is a time of seeking, seeing and pursuing! Although the path and promises before you may seem unattainable, there is a way through the hard place you may be experiencing. The Lord is able to part the “Red Sea” and cause His anointing within you to break open the way. We saw this expressed throughout our Father’s Day Celebration Service in worship, ministry and teaching. As Robert Heidler shared, the role of a father is to lead his offspring into God’s blessing. Like Abraham, God is a Father who wants to bless His children, and is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Whether it is for healing, restoration, finances, family or any other need, choose to seek the Father with your whole heart and embrace the rewards of pursuit!
Reaching Out!
There is a place for you to reach out and demonstrate who you are! You are a part of the new move of God, and will be used to demonstrate His identity in the world around you. Here are two videos that show Christine Patu, Celestine Pierce, Chenia Patu and Peni Patu, our Hawaiian ohana (family), helping dedicate Hawaiian Bros, a new restaurant in Fort Worth. Although your sound and movement may differ, you have a call to reach out!
Here is another great example of reaching out into the local community. Michelle and Bibi Arenas entered the Denton County Master Gardener Association Fruit, Vegetable, Herb and Flower Show. This mother-daughter duo each won 1st Runner Up ribbons for their incredible entries in the adult and youth divisions, respectively. Do not hesitate to display your fruitfulness and receive God’s favor

Prayer for Pine Ridge Reservation
One of God’s “first” principles is the importance of the Host People of a land. Norma Blacksmith is a Lakota Sioux elder on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. In 2018, she started Mountain Movers, an intercessory group with members from all nine of the Lakota reservations in South Dakota. Historically, the U.S. government separated the Lakota Sioux Indians onto nine separate reservations to punish their resistance and break their strength. As you can read below, Norma invites us to join her and others in prayer this Wednesday for our First Nations people at the Pine Ridge Reservation.
This Wednesday (June 23) we are asking all Churches and people to take the day to fast and that evening to come together and pray for the Lord to deliver the people of Pine Ridge Reservation and for salvation. We are asking that each group in your area get together and pray simply for the Pine Ridge reservation. Any great revival that began in this country started with the dedication of a church to start praying for it. If we join in unity as Churches on the Reservation God will know our sincerity. “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” Please join in this fasting and prayer with us. Let’s make this a sacred day and a new beginning.
Chuck D. Pierce