
The War Over Covenant in Surrounding a Nation!

On the Plane Again: From Amsterdam to Belfast with Shouts of Grace!

Dear Warring Ones:

There will always be a war over covenant!  If we desire to see the fulfillment of what God intended for our nation, then we must evaluate our covenant roots.  Since covenant is a progression, we must uncover and “dig” the next release of that covenant in every generation.  I hope you join me online tonight at 7 PM CST as we discuss the importance of carrying on the Lord’s covenant in the earth realm … state by state by state.  This will provide the foundation for tomorrow’s webcast when we look at Pennsylvania – our covenant state.

If you were not able to watch last night’s introduction to Surrounding the Nation, I encourage you to watch the replay.  This foundational teaching will establish our course as we look at each state, beginning tomorrow at 7 PM with Pennsylvania.   We are starting with the 13 Original Colonies and developing an online platform to share this revelation.  By gathering revelation on each state, we can evaluate, watch after, and war for each one.  Follow along week by week … praying from State to State with key leaders from each territory. 

On the Plane Again: From Amsterdam to Belfast with Shouts of Grace!

What an amazing night here in Amsterdam with Dick and Arleen Westerhof!  We are so grateful for your prayers that helped unlocked shouts of GRACE! I declare the grace that arises from The Netherlands will cause the nations of Europe to swing toward the Lord this year!

Tomorrow, Aaron and I fly on to N. Ireland for a regional gathering with Kevin & Rose Sambrook.  The last time I ministered with them in Belfast was over five years ago, and I am expectant for how this glory highway will manifest throughout that region.


Chuck D. Pierce

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