I Am Working On Your Behalf Amidst the Chaos!
Dear Advancing Ones:
When hell or high water try to block your path, declare the Lord will pull you through! There are times we must set our face like flint and choose to praise Him with new expectation. Our Celebration Service was an incredible outpouring of worship that formed our pathway to a new year of opportunity. If we are willing to go beyond our present insecurities and try something new, we will see the Lord position us to break forth with creativity and strength. In addition to my sharing on how we get into a new year, Robert and Linda Heidler looked back at 5782 to see the “house” we have built for our future. The Lord uses us to bring light to dark places, and you are called to receive His combustible synergist power. I declare you will end one year and begin the next with revival as your portion!
I Am Working On Your Behalf Amidst the Chaos!
One of the issues of the coming year is how we adapt and do things differently. In changing times, this prophetic word from Penny Jackson will help you move beyond fear, and trust the Lord as He works on your behalf in the war ahead.
“In days ahead you may seek for Me and feel you can’t find Me at first. But know that I am there, know that I am moving mightily on your behalf, operating in mercy, moving against unrighteousness to bring justice. I am protecting My people and calling forth others to reach out to Me. I have heard your prayers. Many will have their worlds rocked in days ahead, in ways they could have never imagined. Do not fret, My children. This must happen. All must be revealed for evil to be exposed. The enemy has moved freely behind the scenes for years without being exposed. I have seen, I have watched, and I have waited. Now is the time that I will move.
“Know that I am not a God of chaos although things will seem chaotic; know that I won’t do any more than is necessary to accomplish what needs to happen, what must happen for evil to be exposed. This will begin quickly. It will seem a suddenly to many, but it’s not. It has been in the works for a long time. I will not be mocked, and I will not allow My people to be in bondage. I came to set the captives free, and this wickedness has held My people, My children, in bondage. It will not continue. This too shall pass, but wait in the fullness of what I am doing. Watch how I move. Wait on My timing because I will need you in this season, but only at My command and in My timing.
“Don’t look to man’s way to fix things. I can use man’s ways for sure, but focusing only there can limit your understanding of what is happening. Look higher than man’s way. Look to My ways, and wait for the fullness of all I will do. I will be your way of escape in this. I will hold you under My wing. I will hold your hearts in My hand as we walk through this together. It is a time to cling to Me in faith like never before, no matter what you see. You have felt Me draw you closer than ever in these days. Abide with Me in that closeness, that intimacy. Trust like never before because I am in the midst of this and am working on your behalf.”
Beulah Acres Doing Something New: Fall Into Gardening Education Day!

What a joy to see hundreds of people visit the Global Spheres Center on Saturday as we hosted the Trinity River Project garden classes and vendor show. Daniel Arenas and our entire Beulah Acres garden staff prepared the way for the biggest gardening event associated with the Master Gardeners since 2020. We are honored for how the Lord continues to use this Center as a model for Kingdom stewardship.

Chuck D. Pierce