Dear Advancing Ones:
Many long to step into the new but won’t accept the steps necessary to leave the past behind. There comes a time when we must take action to let go of one season and embrace the next. In other words, you will have to finish something to start new and fresh! There is an “action line” that the Lord requires each of us to cross so our hope can arise. Your willingness to be examined and found faithful produces a new capacity within you to finish well. Just as we see with the Tabernacle construction, we are at an incredible place of ending to receive our identity for the new season. Don’t try to control the new from last season, but make the choices you need to finish strong!
A Final Gathering to Prepare for a First Gathering!
When the Lord starts something, He knows how to bring it to completion. Yesterday’s Celebration Service completed an 8-year period of growth and development for the Tabernacle. Immediately after the service, we began the final stages of removing last season’s identity to prepare for the new. Consequently, for the next several weeks we will not be meeting in the Tabernacle on Sunday morning but will instead have webcast options. Continue following this transformation of the Tabernacle which will enable all of us to connect in a new way. I am declaring the Lord is removing the last vestiges of what would tie us to a good but no-longer-best expression of Holy Spirit’s movement in this new era.

Chuck D. Pierce