Dear Advancing Ones:
We look forward to an amazing online-only service tomorrow, Sunday, when our Judah Team of singers, dancers and musicians will lead us forth in live worship, sound and movement. I will be administrating the service, and Robert Heidler will be teaching on Breaking Through to the Promised Revival: Entering the Promised Land with Joshua! Continue pressing forward – this is our time to cross over!
When I was in the Tabernacle yesterday with our Judah Team, I was amazed at how much has changed. The Lord has truly blessed us in establishing a new vessel for worship and communication in this new era. As you join us tomorrow by livestream at 9 AM (CDT), I declare you will be progressing into your new identity just as we are pressing into our new corporate identity at the Global Spheres Center.
Then don’t forget on Sunday, August 23, we will host our first corporate gathering to celebrate Firstfruits. Elul is the Hebrew month when the King is in the Field – so we want to invite all of you to come next Sunday (August 23) to experience a new expression of identity and celebration in the Tabernacle.
God’s people are continuing to watch over their regions and go on prayer journeys. I urge you to keep interceding fervently for your cities and territories. Here are three great examples that should encourage you!
Shaking in the Carolinas
Many of you may have heard about the recent 5.1 earthquake in North Carolina – the largest to hit the Carolinas in over 100 years. In this 4-minute video, Susie Zeigler shares how they have been watching, listening and welcoming the presence of the Lord into their region. She and Anne Romanello serve faithfully as visionaries in pulling together the remnant in the Carolinas in intercession, revelation, fellowship, and warfare strategies. What Susie shares here is just incredible!

Journey to the Center of the United States
Dan and Mary Reese help oversee our ministry finances, and I am so grateful for all they do as watchman over what the Lord has provided us. In June, they took a trip to South Dakota with their family, and I asked Mary to write up this amazing report.
Our family vacationed in South Dakota where Dan grew up and both sons were born. It was an opportunity to reconnect with family there and introduce all the grandsons to the land they are connected to.
We went to the geographic center of the United States, located in a field near Belle Fourche, South Dakota. The center shifted to this location in 1959 when Alaska and Hawaii became states. Our entire family of 12 was there – three generations of Reese boys.
Chuck gave us a word to make a statement from that center point “that the Lord would realign the issues of America” and to use Isaiah 59:21. Janice Swinney said to declare release of the troop of Healers in line with Barbara Wentroble’s word that the Lord is releasing Healers to heal people, lands, and nations.
We placed a plumb line with an inscription of Isaiah 59:21 on the flag pole (which had no flag) and made those declarations as a family. Dan read a portion of Isaiah 59, blew a shofar and each of us poured anointing oils on the base of the pole, making declarations after each one.
America the Beautiful Prayer Journey
Here is another great report from August 2-9 when Mildred Bean, Diane Isaacs, Linda Davis and Anita Anderson travelled through several states in our nation.
What started out with two friends as a getaway to enjoy the land in South Dakota (one of two states not mandating face mask) ended up with four friends and an eight-state prayer adventure to bless and pray for America. After talking with Dan and Mary Reese, we knew one of our stops would be in South Dakota at the center of the 50 states outside of Belle Fourche so we set out asking God to direct our path on this journey. After going through Oklahoma and blessing the state, we entered Kansas where the Lord started speaking to each of us. The phrase “national miracles” was mentioned. This set a tone of anticipation of adding our prayers and declarations to the synergy and convergence of those who went before us to see national miracles for our land. And in each state, we called forth the God-given destiny for the land and the people and declared His Kingdom come!
God also started highlighting prayer points and reminded us of phrases like from “sea to shining sea”. While researching the phrase from America the Beautiful, we all realized that the eight stanzas were a blessing, prayer and declaration over. American the Beautiful is a prophetic picture of God’s grace over America, freedom, brotherhood, and unity that colored our prayer and decrees for the entire trip.
The Holy Spirit reminded us that the center of the 48 states was located in Lebanon, Kansas. While taking communion there, we noticed a crack in the foundation of the monument for geographical center of the forty-eight states and poured the elements into this area and declared that the rifts in America would be healed, and proclaimed the blood of Jesus over our nation. The shofar was blown directly facing above the memorial marker to reopen the portal to truth, justice and liberty, as well as engage angelic activity. We were also able to pray for and prophesy over Eric Johnson, an Apache Indian from Arizona who was holding meetings there for seventy-seven days, June 1 to August 16. He had seemed discouraged due to the lack of support from the area pastors and stated that we were like the ravens that God sent to Elijah to encourage and provide for him.
Going through Nebraska we declared that boldness and courage would arise in Christians and that fear and intimidation would be dealt with. In South Dakota we enjoyed God’s creation and visited historical sites (Mount Rushmore, Geographical Center, Crazy Horse Memorial, Custer National Park and Badlands) to pray and declare, particularly over our nation’s history with its First People.
The time at the Geographical Center of the United States outside Belle Fourche was an amazing time of communion and prophetic decrees. SD state representative, Sue Peterson, joined us by phone and legislated with us.
While in intercession at the Wounded Knee memorial, Holy Spirit spoke to the Native People, “Call the warriors to rise up and take their place. Stop being pulled back into the pain of the past but rise up and war for the Kingdom!”.
We blessed Wyoming on our way to Colorado. While on Pikes Peak, we took communion and read all eight verses of America the Beautiful. We also prayed for Neil Gorsuch, who is from Colorado, and the Supreme Court for justice to be established.
The last declaration from Pikes Peak was that Jesus voice was speaking Liberty/Freedom over the land and the people because He is the fulfillment of Jubilee! Interesting that the last word of America the Beautiful is the word “jubilee”. God bless America! America! America! God shed His grace on thee!
Chuck D. Pierce