Dear Advancing Ones:
This is era of Holy Spirit movement! What amazing reports are coming in from our 28 days of prayer to activate a Kingdom move of the Spirit. We want to embrace the Spirit of the Lord so that what happened in the historical book of Acts will start manifesting in a greater form today.
If you have yet to enter in, it’s not too late! I encourage you to begin reading a chapter of Acts each day, as well as attend/watch the daily watches at noon. The first two watches have already shifted our expectation for how Holy Spirit desires to meet us. All watches are livestreamed as well as replayed for a week.
A Time to Travel….A Time to Plow
I am once again preparing to travel internationally, and leave this Saturday for two New Year’s gatherings in Malaysia and Hong Kong. Joining me are Aaron Smith and John Pierce, with Allen Faubion meeting us in Asia. I could not continue advancing without your prayers and support. Upon my return, I will resume the last of our Time to Plow regional gatherings that I am doing with Dutch Sheets. If you are near one of these cities, I would encourage you to join us. If you are further way, please continue to declare an acceleration into the restoration that God has decreed over America! My complete schedule through December 1 is below.
- Oct 28 (7:30 PM)
- Moving into 5780 and Beyond! Kuching MALAYSIA +60 012 888 8532
- Oct 29 (6:30 PM)
- Moving into 5780 and Beyond! HONG KONG +852 5111 7175
- Nov 2 (9 AM – 6 PM)
- Fall Festival at Global Spheres Center, Corinth TX (940) 382-7231
- Nov 3 (9 AM)
- Firstfruits Celebration for Cheshvan, Corinth TX
- Nov 6 (7 PM)
- Time to Plow! Omaha NE (402) 896-6692
- Nov 13
- Global Prophetic Consultation, Red Oak TX
- Nov 14 (7 PM)
- Time to Plow: Trail of Fire and Glory! Atlanta GA
- Nov 15 (7 PM)
- Time to Plow: Trail of Fire and Glory! Savannah GA
- Nov 20 (6:30 PM)
- Time to Plow! Las Vegas NV (702) 242-2273
- Nov 21 (6 PM)
- Time to Plow! Vista CA
- Nov 22 (6:30 PM) – 23 (9 AM)
- Time to Plow! Santa Maria CA (816) 694-0345
- Dec 1 (9 AM)
- Firstfruits Celebration for Kislev, Corinth TX
- Dec 1 (6 PM)
- Time to Plow! Castle Rock CO 303-688-0777
New Advances in a New Era
We have stepped into a season where we must go beyond in our expectation of God’s power manifesting in our lives. In this new era, it is critical that we declare the divine return of what has been scattered. We saw a great example of this with Sam and Linda Castor. Their testimony should encourage each of us to allow the Lord to rearrange our lives and gift mixes so we begin to express our identity in powerful new ways.
Chuck D. Pierce