
Worship: A Key to Our Abiding Place!

Dear Advancing Ones:

God is looking for true worshippers who will worship “in spirit and truth” (John 4:24).  As He receives those worshippers, they are able to experience the reality of His glory.  We are positioned in the heavens, and secured in that abiding place we then walk with great confidence and faith on Earth (see Eph. 1 – 2). When the enemy tries to pull us out of our abiding place, or block us from ascending in Christ, we go to war by resisting him and drawing near to the Lord in lavish praise and worship.

As we heard last Sunday, this a time of breaking open our alabaster boxes — pouring out our worship and trusting the Lord with our future.  Therefore, we have prepared several opportunities to help you continue going beyond in your worship.

  1. Tomorrow (Friday) night is our Shabbat Service with the GZI Judah Team paving the way. These extended times of prophetic worship, sound and movement are some of my favorites and I frequently watch them several times over.  You can join online at 6 PM CST, or by replay.
  2. Sunday morning is our Shevat Firstfruits Celebration when we can bring our first and best in worship to the Lord.  Firstfruits is a time when the Lord releases fresh revelation for the month ahead and aligns us with His cycle of blessing.  I hope many of you join us at 8:30 AM CST as we begin with water baptisms, KHA commissionings, and then “letting the river flow in Shevat 2023!”
  3. Monday night is THE LIFT with James and Robyn Vincent.  All of you in the region are welcome to come onsite for this monthly prophetic gathering of ascending through the portal and reflecting the blueprint of heaven in the earth.  If you cannot join James and Robyn in the Upper Room at 7 PM CST, this corporate worship will also be live webcast, as well as available by replay and GZI TV All Access. 

Let’s continue to ascend in worship and commune with the Lord from our abiding place!


Chuck D. Pierce

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