England Arising with a Call of Redemptive Prophecy!
Dear Overcoming Ones:
The Lord told me to read the book of Ephesians every day this month. I continue to see more and more revelation each time I consider what Paul wrote to the Church in Ephesus. Ephesus was a hub for occult activity in the Roman Empire, and if the Gospel was to confront the demonic structures over the Roman world, Ephesus was the place to do it. I am grateful that the powers of darkness were overcome in Ephesus and the whole territory changed. This Sunday, I have asked Robert Heidler to teach on the Church at Ephesus. I hope you will join our Celebration Service at 9 AM CST for “An Apostolic Center Overcoming the Darkness!”
“A New Way Forward” Shabbat at 6 PM!
God is not in time, but He gave us covenant in time. Shabbat is one of the dimensions of His blessing cycle, and when we align our life with God’s times, we gain clarity for our future. Tonight’s Shabbat service will help you pause and then find your way forward into a new week. John Pierce, Lisa Lyons, Isaac Pierce, Amman Beeftu, and Simon Lyons will help you see from a new perspective. We will also have worship with GZI Judah Team as well as Maria Gilpin, time in the garden with Tracey Liggett’s newest video, and a special “Hallelujah” presentation. Whether you join live at 6 PM CST or by replay, I declare you will be positioned to find your way forward.
England Arising with a Call of Redemptive Prophecy!
Four years have passed since I last ministered in England, and I can see how things have shifted. The Leaders Day training in Dudley earlier today helped call forth their redemptive purpose in the land. There is a prophetic depth coming out of England that has never been expressed before, and it will produce an apostolic awakening. The next seven months are so key for a new momentum in the spiritual realm of this nation. I decree redemptive prophecy will come alive in all of England!
I just finished my final meeting here in England in Burton-on-Trent. Although I already had a full schedule, I knew the Lord directed me to minister with Steve and Jenny Watson at their apostolic prophetic hub. Kingdom Advance Network (KAN) is an important house of vision, and an important house of decision for this nation and the nations. The Spirit of God declared, “From this house, you will speak and you will walk in a way you have never spoken and walked before. You will hear an understanding of My code from the Kingdom, and you will be able to decode the paths that I send you on. I gathered you here tonight to offer My redemptive plan here in England to the United Kingdom, and from the United Kingdom to the nations of all of Europe. The next two years, I assign you to redeem My plan in these lands!” Let’s declare the sound of redemptive prophecy will arise in Burton-on-Trent for England and the nations. Aaron and I fly back home tomorrow and appreciate your prayers for our travel and to rearguard what the Lord has spoken to each of the countries we visited.

The Performance of His Word!
The Garden is a place to help us see our way forward. This new video by Tracey Liggett reflects the past week in North Texas. Before you watch it, I would encourage you to mediate on Psalm 147:1, 15-18: “Praise the Lord! For it is good to sing praises to our God; for it is pleasant, and praise is beautiful … He sends out His command to the earth; His word runs very swiftly. He gives snow like wool; He scatters the frost like ashes; He casts out His hail like morsels; who can stand before His cold? He sends out His word and melts them; He causes His wind to blow, and the waters flow.” On this Shabbat, may you be reminded to praise Him for the performance of His word.

Shabbat shalom,
Chuck D. Pierce