
Enter God’s Rest! Gaining Strength to Prevail in the Battles of Life!

Key Prophecy: Turning the Label of Famine into Prosperity!

Dear “Resting” Ones:

In times of conflict and controversy we need to understand the blessings of Shabbat. Our Sabbath rest is not meant to be a religious ritual or painful observance, but something we celebrate to gain strength to prevail in the battles of life. Robert and Linda Heidler are two people who take great delight in the blessings of Shabbat. They understand that Sabbath was made to meet the needs of the people, and not people to meet the requirements of the Sabbath. When I asked Robert to teach on the importance of entering God’s rest on a weekly basis, I knew he would help all of us embrace the joy of God’s blessing in an incredible way. What he shared yesterday on Shabbat rest and dominion rest was just amazing. God has a rest for you! If you could not join our service yesterday, I encourage you to watch the replay to express your heart of worship and then “Enter God’s Rest!” I declare you are being sent forth to gain Sabbath rest through His work so you have the strength to enter dominion rest through your work.

Turning the Label of Famine into Prosperity!

We are a people who walk by faith and not by sight. Although your climate may seem hostile to new life, the Spirit of the Lord does not want the signs of drought to hinder you from sowing. This prophetic word from yesterday’s service will encourage you to change the label attached to your land!

“The land that you stand on you have called ‘a famine’, but as soon as your feet and seed go into that ground, I say it is prosperous. Until you put your foot on that land that has been dry and sow your seed, it will be barren. But by demarcating that land with your seed and with your feet touching it, it becomes prosperous! No matter how dry it is in the natural, I’ll bust the ground from beneath it and water it if I have to. Put your seed and plant your feet on the land, and I will change the label of that land. Take territories and plant seeds and plant your feet on the land for I will water it supernaturally. I am turning the label of ‘famine’ into ‘PROSPERITY.’ Plant your seed in the land! I am making you like rain. Ascend with Me so I can bring you back down. Ascend with Me so I can descend on the land, and you can quench the land!” (Josh Black, Keevy Phillips, Chad Foxworth)


Chuck D. Pierce

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