Dear Advancing Ones:
The message of the Bible is an account of two contrasting kingdoms: the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of this world. Many perceive “kingdom” to be a geographical territory. However, kingdom means “rule”, and the Kingdom of God is the rule and will of God manifested on earth. When you begin with the way God set up His Kingdom, the world will not be able to conform you to its lower expression of kingdom. That is why it’s so vital we understand KINGDOM FIRST! Yesterday’s Celebration Service was an incredible opportunity to respond to the call to be ambassadors of God’s Kingdom in the earth realm. If you were not able to enter into the worship and revelation, I encourage you to watch the replay and declare the Kingdom of God will manifest in you.
The Rights Moves Will Win the War!
We are in a KINGS war! As I said yesterday while sharing about a checkers match I played with my grandson, Elijah, if you make your moves right then you will win the war. This Prophecy Center video will encourage you to become a game-changer. Be about your Father’s business … the Kingdom of God is within you!

Chuck D. Pierce