Nigeria … A Time to PLOW!
Thursday, January 24, 2019
Dear Way Makers:
Thank you for praying for our time in Nigeria. That was above and beyond my best time in that nation, and I know that so many of you were standing in the gap for last night’s closing session. Nigeria has gathered her grapes over the past nine years and is ready to produce new wine! The enemies of her past that meant death and destruction will now become the removers of pain. God is turning Nigeria upside down for His glory and His purposes, and is saying, “You are headed into the beginning of seven months of great conflict, but you have already faced off that conflict! By October of this year, you will be able to stand and say, ‘We set our hand to the plow and looked forward and never looked back, and now Nigeria has been plowed up!’ Watch over these next seven months for there will be a plowing up of this land. Fallow land will be plowed and plowed and plowed. What has encased My plan will be plowed up. This is the beginning of moving into what I would have for you, and this is the day of change. This is your time to plow this land, and I have mobilized the angelic host to plow with you. The land of Nigeria will once again rejoice!”
England … It’s Time to Receive the Double Portion!
Saturday, January 26, 2019
Dear Activated Ones:
What an incredible finish to our meetings here in Dudley, England. When we drove into this city, the Lord gave me a vision of the word MIRACLES! in the atmosphere. After it appeared there was an explosion of confetti, and I knew this was a time for miracles to explode. In this year associated with birthing, we must birth celebration in England. What is conceived of the Lord in the womb of this nation must come forth and be welcomed with great joy! Last night we declared that it’s time for England to receive the Double Portion! Join us in praying for new fire and MIRACLES! to spread from this region and across Great Britain. The change of season is here, and it’s time for a double portion activation to go throughout the entire world. Wherever you live, decree your atmosphere is changing to celebrate miracles!
Chuck D. Pierce