
A Bitter Root of Slavery is Breaking

Voices: Chuck Pierce, Janice Swinney, Michelle Hadley
Date Given: April 10, 2020

  • Chuck Pierce

I have the strangest sensation going through me in the fibers of my being that the Lord says, “Because of this Passover that I ordained, I am going now to break a root of slavery that runs though my people.” Now, speak into your bloodline and say, “Let go, you bitter root of slavery.” Father, we thank you. We thank you that some way you have said, “Today, I’m offering you freedom. Today, if you will call it as it is today,” as he says in Hebrews. Today is the day of your salvation. Enter into your rest.

  • Michelle Hadley

♪ I hear the cries of the ancestors ♪ ♪ Crying out from the land ♪ ♪ I say cry no more ♪ ♪ Because today is the day of your freedom ♪ ♪ I hear the blood ♪ ♪ of the slaves ♪ ♪ around the world ♪ ♪ I say cry no more ♪ ♪ ‘Cause this is the day of your freedom ♪

  • Janice Swinney

When Chuck released that word just now about slavery, it hit me right in my spirit. And I have to know, have to tell you that I’m from the south, but I wasn’t from the rich south. And so, to my knowledge, in my bloodline, we were not slave owners. But here’s what the Lord said that came out of that whole culture. He said, “whether you were black or white, the whole impression and mindset was there has to be a slave.” Now, right now, father in the name of Jesus, I speak into those mindsets that have been in our nation where there has to be a have and a have-not. And I say in the name of Jesus, by the power of that blood, we are all equal covered by your blood. Every blessing, every nation, every tribe, every tongue comes out of that power of your blood to overcome and to be the head and not the tail.

  • Chuck Pierce

Listen to me, slavery isn’t about color. Slavery is a bondage where abused subservience occurs. I mean, the Japanese have been slaves to the Chinese. The Armenians have been slaves to the Turkish people. The natives have been slaves to the black people. It’s always some strategy hell has to bring you into an abused subservient role. There is slave trade all over this world right now with young women and men. And we decree right now that God has pulled us together to say, “I am tired of slavery.” So, we say “freedom.” No matter what nation I go to, approaching now, 120 online with us. And I’ve been to most of them. There’s always a slave structure. Decree right now is breaking out of you. Decree right now that you won’t operate in it. Lord, we say, let freedom come to your people. Set us free that we might worship you. I speak to religious slavery. That’s slavery that religion forces on people. I say, let go in Jesus’ name. I say, God has a people with the liberty to worship.

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