
A Generational Arrow With a Detonating Warhead

Voices: Chuck Pierce, Keevy Phillips
Date Given: February 27, 2022

Keevy Phillips – For the Lord will say to you, “Next generation, Millennials and Gen Xers, it’s time for you to get a backbone, says the Lord, and find your place in war, along with your mothers and fathers.” The Lord says this passive world peace is not gonna cut it in this season. Rise up in war for you have been in a safe place but now is the time to loose that roar that God is giving you. Be not passive any longer. “Get in alignment with your mothers and fathers and war on My behalf,” says the Lord.

Chuck Pierce – “For I am aligning mothers, and fathers, and children and I say, you will pierce this darkness that’s invading. I say, watch for you will become a mighty arrow with a detonating warhead that will cause generational structures to blow to pieces,” sayeth the Lord.

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