
A Pentecost Breath of Freedom Is Coming

Voices: Chuck Pierce, Jane Arenas, Justin Rana, Keevy Phillips, Linda Heidler
Date Given: May 29, 2020

  • Linda Heidler

As we’re taping this today, the city of Minneapolis is on fire. It is a premature ungodly fire, trying to stop the Pentecost fire that God wants to send. Lord, we call out right now that you will visit your people in that city. They will rise up with the fire and the boldness of God, that they will go out and they will confront these ungodly forces that are bringing destruction, that there will be a greater fire that comes up in Minneapolis, that the fire we’re witnessing, that’s destroying things, Lord, that You will call your church like you call Lazarus out of the grave and said now is the time. Now is the time, be filled with my fire. Be filled with my boldness. Confront what the enemy has said he’s going to do with the word of the Lord. Turn the battle at the gates Minneapolis We call for the fire of God to fall on you. That will consume every other fire.

  • Chuck Pierce

Now, as Linda’s sharing that, I believe what we saw displayed in that horrendous act in Minneapolis by putting your knee on the neck of a human being until his live and his breath is snuffed out before the world. Notice what he kept saying, I can’t breathe. What is this season about? It’s about breathing. Hell, will do everything possible to try to stop the breath of God from coming through, and violence arising in it’s place. We decree right now. We hear the cry that I can’t breathe. And we say, from state to state, city to city, nation to nation. Let my people breathe, shout it. We say to the black community of America, you have an inheritance of God. You have the breath of Holy Spirit, you have the sound of Holy Spirit rise up and display the breath of God throughout this land.

  • Keevy Phillips

Listen to me, African Americans. You are the soul of this nation. You create the soul sound in this nation and the enemy is after you to tear the nation apart. But if you ever get healed, if you ever get set free, America will become a dangerous, dangerous country, in the eyes of the devil. So we say, all my black brothers and sisters, it’s time for you to be healed. It’s time for you to be whole and not be ruled by your emotions, and know that God is the God of justice, not your feelings, not your emotions. God looks down and sees and he’s coming to visit you. Be healed, be delivered, be set free, African America, for the soul of the nation is at your gate turn it the gate says the LORD.

  • Chuck Pierce

Shout we will breathe, we will breathe, We will breathe, We will breathe, our life, our soul will not be shut down. We will breathe.

  • Justin Rana

♪ We will breathe ♪ ♪ We will breathe ♪ ♪ We will breathe ♪ ♪ We will breathe. ♪

  • Chuck Pierce

We ask the Holy Spirit to fall with new breath on every black American. Every African American throughout this land. We say let a sweeping. Move of revival hit this land through black America. The breath of God will come. This Pentecost is about black America breathing. It’s about blocking whole pathways like they’re doing in Los Angeles. It’s about right now, the Chinese saying we want freedom. I say let this Pentecost calls freedom to rise up that is manifested in this nation by the Fourth of July.

  • Jane Arenas

♪ Your fire ooh God is the highest fire ♪ ♪ Your fire ooh God will be the highest fire ♪ ♪ greater than the other fires ♪ ♪ greater than the other fires ♪ ♪ Your fire ooh God will be the highest fire. ♪

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