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Voices: Chuck Pierce, LeAnn Squier, Marty Cassady
Date Given: April 5, 2020
LeAnn Squier – ♪This is the Lords day This is the Lords day This is the Lords day Step into the gap This is the Lords day This is His finest moment Step into the void Step into the void Step into the gap ♪
Mart Cassady – Speaking in the Spirit
Chuck Pierce – I say you’re watching with your eyes and you’re thinking with your mind. I say this is a time that doors of heaven are beginning to come open and revelation is pouring down. I say move from your spirit, let your man, inner man stand up. Let the standing King within you rise up. I say to you, this is My time, I say to China, I’m not looking at nationalism. I’m looking at My harvesters, the harvesters that I will raise up and send forth, be prepared for the confrontation ahead.
I say to America and to the earth realm, especially America, prepare yourself, for war is now operating on the horizon. I say to Taiwan, get ready for you must stand and surround that nation. I say to you, this is My time, and instead of passivity, I am calling generations to align. I say I’m calling generations to align, for these next two years, and three months, I say to you, align the generation, align the generation, prepare for war, for war now is breaking and moving in the earth, and I have a victorious army that will now arise.
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