
An Anointing for Conception

Voices: Chuck Pierce, Keith Pierce, Michelle Hadley
Date Given: May 14, 2023

Michelle Hadley – I just heard the Lord say that there is an anointing for fertility, spiritually and naturally. If you are having trouble, if you are in this building and you are having trouble conceiving, or on the web and you’re having trouble conceiving, God’s saying this is your day of deliverance. God’s saying, “I am going to plant in your womb the future that is going to be heard of.”

Chuck Pierce – And Father, we decree that over new businesses that need to be conceived. We decree it over conception for our future.

Keith Pierce – And the Lord spoke to me when Michelle and Chuck was saying that. The Lord showed me five eggs this morning, and He said, “I am ready to reproduce grace, favor, hope, kindness, and love in the body. But I am ready to bring forth a Moses, an Esther, a Joseph, a Lydia, and a Paul for the future.” So if you are having issues with a closed womb, I want you to raise your hand because here’s the issue. We can be a womb for Holy Spirit, and we can close ourself off because we think we’re so right. Today is the day God has come to do a miracle for many. If you want a miracle, lift up your hands, throw back your head, open your mouth, and receive in a new way in Jesus’ name.