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Voices: Amber Pierce, Chuck Pierce, LeAnn Squier, Michelle Hadley
Date Given: February 28, 2021
– Michelle Hadley
♪ We’re gonna catch the wave ♪ ♪ Catch the wave ♪ ♪ We’re gonna catch the wave ♪ ♪ Catch the wave ♪ ♪ We’re gonna catch the wave ♪ ♪ The wave of glory is flowing in this place ♪ ♪ Catch the wave ♪ ♪ Catch the wave ♪ ♪ I’m gonna catch the wave ♪ ♪ Gonna catch the wave ♪ ♪ I’m gonna catch the wave ♪ ♪ Catch the wave ♪ ♪ I’m gonna catch that wave of glory is flowing ♪ ♪ The wave of glory ♪ ♪ Wave of glory is flowing ♪ ♪ Catch the wave ♪ ♪ It’s flowing down from the flow of God ♪ ♪ It’s flowing ♪ ♪ Catch the wave ♪ ♪ Oh it’s flowing ♪ ♪ Catch the wave ♪ ♪ It’s flowing in this place ♪ ♪ I can see the glory cloud ♪ ♪ It’s flowing in this place yeah ♪
Leann Squier
♪ Catch the wave ♪ ♪ Catch the wave ♪ ♪ Catch the wave ♪ ♪ Catch the wave ♪ ♪ Catch the wave ♪ ♪ Catch the wave ♪ ♪ Catch the wave ♪ And I just hear the Lord saying the enemy has sent a wave of violence over the land. He’s sent a wave of disunity and division over the land. He sent a wave of economic strife and it’s like a struggle that he sent across the land. But I just saw the Lord was saying I am just beginning to mount my wave. I am just beginning to mount my people in a new way, in a new dimension. And so, there is a wave of God that is a glory wave. It’s a unity wave. It’s a creative wave. It is a love wave. It is a blessing wave. It is powerful. It is glorious. It is beautiful. And he is beginning to mount that wave and it’s within us. And we have to allow him to mount that wave within us. Lord, we say release it and release us in it across the United States, across this land, across the globe, Lord. We ask God that your wave would begin to rise. As you have said, you are sending it.
Amber Pierce
Last night I had the first dream about getting in a river that I’ve had in five years. And so there was a lot of opposition to us getting in the river, but Daniel and I, we got in the boat and we got in the river and we needed help. We called Pam to help us. There was something with the kids and we said we have to get in this river but will you please go be with the kids? And Daniel and I were going to the nations on a boat, through a river. And so I just decree over us a move of God and the nations. I decree that the river is flowing, it’s rising up in you. It’s time for the river to flow. It’s time for the river to rise. It’s time for us to get in the river again, Father. We say, let it rise.
Chuck Pierce
Wow, Daniel, stand up. This is for all of us. I hear God in that dream. I sent Anita. The Lord took me all over this building this week, had me look at every picture and he said, I will show you what I’m saying. Finally, I saw what he was saying and I commented on it and I just sent her to go get it. This is a God moment for us. We need to hear what’s being said here. And Daniel, Amber, the Lord says you gave the nations up to come and find the river for your future. That river will run into the sea which will run into the nations which will take you on to platforms you’ve never had before. So I say to you, thank me for causing you to let go, so you could get in and grab a hold in a new way. And the Lord says, some of you, you’re looking at the river. You’re saying it’s dried up. I don’t know where that would take me. The Lord says, all I’m telling you to do is get in it. I can fill what’s dried up. I can move what isn’t moving. I say you step into that place I am telling you to step into and quit trying to think through the destination. The Lord says step in because you’re going to go past some places you’ve never been before. Get ready. Now, look at this. Here was the picture the Lord took me to. Michelle, you would have never known that. It’s a glory wave. He said, I’m telling you, I’m stirring it up from heaven and my people are going to have to learn to ride it. I mean, he spoke so clearly to me this week. He said, you watch me stir that wave up and you better get ready. The first little current you see, to jump in it because it’s going to take you through a glory realm you have never been in before.
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