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Voices: Beverly Trupp, Chuck Pierce, Keevy Phillips, Mark Waldrep, Michelle Hadley, Stella Timmons
Date Given: July 24, 2022
Beverly Trupp – Speaking in the Spirit
Keevy Phillips – For the Lord would say to you that this is a day I am calling you to humble yourself again. For the Lord says, I resist the pride that’s within you but I’m longing for the humbleness of the worshiper to come to Me. The Lord says, I have given you a way of escape. It is down on your knees before Me and following after Me, says the Lord. Resist the pride that’s within you and I will give and extend the grace of the humble part of you that I long to commune with. For the day of striving with Me is no longer but the day of humbling yourself and partnering with Me is at hand. Resist the proud within you and receive the grace I am resending to the humble side of you says the Lord.
Mark Waldrep – I heard the Lord say divorce that mind right now. You’re standing at a ravine and I’ve given you more than you can even imagine on the other side. So let that go. Come to Me, trust Me. I’ve placed the bridge right at your feet. So take My hand and walk across it in the spirit with Me, not in your head.
Chuck Pierce – I saw a picture. See, this is how the gift of tongues works. It doesn’t, it’s not like interpreting a language. It causes the Spirit of God to respond so you begin to see clearly what He’s trying to say to us. I saw a picture that fits with both of what they’re saying. We were on a plateau and we were overlooking a canyon. And we also could see the top of a mountain. And the Lord says, you have plateaued and you’re going have to make a choice. You’re either going have to go up or you’re going to have to go across. How you respond to Me is how you will find your journey ahead and off of the plateau. Don’t choose being comfortable on the plateau. Choose either to find the bridge across the ravine and the canyon or to go up to higher heights so you can see your path in a new way. Choose not the plateau that you are presently standing on. For that plateau will become dry and you will not find the prosperity that I have ahead for you.
Michelle Hadley – I heard in that tongue find Me in the deep find Me in the deep. `I never withdrew My scepter, find Me in the deep. I’m still stretching it out. I’m still waiting. Find Me in the deep.
Stella Timmons – I have to share this. On Tuesday, in my prayer time when I was praying I heard the Lord say My people have plateaued. I heard Him say that they are stuck because they have settled. And the Lord said, this is not the season to be settled. This is not the season to say, is this all? Because the Lord says there is more. So when you get to that place that you think you’ve arrived and you’ve settled in that place and you look down and say, I’ve done all that I’m supposed to do. The Lord says, no. The Lord says get unstuck because this is the season that you cannot be stuck in the past.
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