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Voices: Chuck Pierce, Jane Arenas, LeAnn Squier, Robyn Vincent
Date Given: June 11, 2023
Jane Arenas – I feel this for the young people. The Lord is saying, “I provide the fire. I’m the one who provides it, all you gotta do is bring yourself to it. Bring yourself to it. Be open to it.” Where are the young people here? Where are they? Man, if you will just come to the fire, the Lord says, “I will be the one to fill you up. I will be the one to burn and consume inside of you. I’m the one who gives you the life. I’m the one who has the last say over your life. I’m the one who gives life, I’m the one who is life and you will not find it anywhere else.” ♪ So here we are, here we are, here we are ♪ ♪ You pour out Your spirit, we open up our lives ♪ ♪ Here we are, here we are, here we are ♪
LeAnn Squier – ♪ Blow on the fire ♪ ♪ You gotta blow, you gotta blow on the fire ♪ ♪ You gotta blow ♪ ♪ You gotta blow on the fire ♪ ♪ You gotta blow, you gotta blow on the fire ♪ ♪ You gotta blow, you gotta blow on the fire ♪ ♪ You gotta blow, you gotta blow on the fire ♪ ♪ You gotta blow, you gotta blow on the fire ♪
Robyn Vincent – You know, I heard Jane’s word and in Jane’s word I really felt like, yes, it’s for the younger generation but God is calling His own children back to that fire. He’s calling all of His children back to that fire. One of the things that Chuck released that the Lord has so been on in the past couple of days is when he said the thing that even Jesus had to send the disciples away. That’s one of the things that the Lord is speaking right now in this hour. And He’s saying, you’re gonna have to understand that even Jesus had needed a faith space. Even Jesus needed a faith space. In other words, the thing that the Lord began to speak to me and show me was that when the people wanted to get healed, when the guy wanted his eyes to be healed Jesus had to lead him from outside of the village. He had to create a faith space.
And God is saying, most of My people are feeling stuck in this hour because they have not stepped into their faith space. Everything that Chuck is saying right now is because God is calling you. He’s pulling you, He’s drawing you and He’s saying, “Come out from among them, come out from the familiar, come out from the religious structure, come into the faith space, come into the zone with me.” That is what God is saying right now. There are those that you know not of that have your next, they have your next. But God is saying, “You’re gonna have to be willing to be led. You’re gonna have to be willing to be led.” That is what God is saying. It wasn’t, it was the same way even with Jairus’s daughter. He had to put them out to create a faith space so that there could be a resurrection power to hit that girl’s life. And until we understand how the Lord is moving in our atmosphere, what He’s doing among us, we will not begin to receive that next place that God wants for us. But God is saying, “You need, you have need of a faith space.”
Chuck Pierce – You better hear this.
Robyn Vincent – You have need of a faith space in you life.
Chuck Pierce – You better hear this.
Robyn Vincent – You have need of a faith space in your life.
Chuck Pierce – Say it out loud, a faith space.
Robyn Vincent – So Father, we decree it. Lord, we say in the name of Jesus that the ties are being cut. We say in the name of Jesus, the yokes are being destroyed. We say, no longer will we stand in the place of comfort and ease in the familiar God. But we say, Lord, you can do whatever you wanna do. You can bring us to wherever we need to go in this hour in Jesus’ name.
Chuck Pierce – I’m telling you, say it out loud, faith space Now God is saying this. He is saying this to us this week. Matter of fact, over the next week, He is saying create a faith space. Let’s say it very distinctly. Faith space. And in that space you need to run out all unbelief that tries to get into the boundaries of it. Now, Father, we submit ourself to this right now in Jesus’ name.
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