
Darkness Is Approaching but Your Mouth Carries Light

Voices: Anne Tate, Chuck Pierce, Keevy Phillips
Date Given: April 26, 2020

Chuck Pierce – This is how the Lord showed it to me. He said, “You are still behind the closed door of the upper room” and He says, “Your new door is forming.” And all of a sudden, He showed me a shadow next to your new door and He said, “Do not let the shadow of darkness “that is prevailing, “do not let it seduce you through and out of time “and into the place that you don’t belong.” Father, we say right now we are entering into, we are watching for this new door, we are watching for new joy, we are allowing you to work with us behind these closed doors and we are getting ready, we speak to those shadows and we say, “Whatever reflection the enemy is bringing, we’ll know the real from the unreal.” And the Lord says, “Watch these next 10 days! “Darkness will try to make it’s move “but I say to you, you are watching and producing “breakthroughs of light!”

Keevy Phillips – The lord says, even now, “Don’t let the mask that you wore mute your mouth, says the Lord. The lord says even now, other this next 10 days. Make sure you don’t let your mask that you’re wearing mute your mouth. This is still the era of the voice, says the Lord. The Lord says begin to speak Michigan, begin to speak New York, don’t let the mask you’re wearing mute your mouth Don’t let the mask you’re wearing mute your brain says the Lord. Over this next 10 days, darkness is approaching, but your mouth will speak forth life says the Lord. We speak this all over the world, Don’t let your mouth be muted by the mask that you are wearing. Let the mask be removed, and let the mouth of God go forth, says the Lord.

Chuck Pierce – I am only using this mask as a guard and I say at the right time I’ll put an unction in you and you will speak My word.

Anne Tate – The Lord says that this is a season that every mouth is going to be filled with the words saying, “He is so faithful, He is so faithful.” We have never seen the bigness of the faithfulness of God. He has been so faithful in this season. He has been so faithful, He is faithful!

Keevy Phillips – There is an evangelistic spirit getting ready to hit this country says the Lord. The Lord says you are not going to be able to contain my goodness and the power of my blood and the work that I did on the cross. The Lord is saying I am raising up those Evangelists who can’t shut up and they will proclaim My word and My goodness says the Lord. The Lord is saying I am stirring up that sword inside of you that will cut away faith from real, says the Lord. The Lord is even saying now, I am raising up that millennial generation to spread My gospel says the Lord. It will go from different places, from different industries says the Lord. Know this day, that the Evangelistic anointing, that tells the world about Jesus Christ is coming inside of you, just lift your hands, and say Lord I receive this new anointing to spread Your gospel to every creature that goes across the Earth, Lord I receive this new anointing today.

Chuck Pierce – Watch for I’m going to show you harvest, I’m going to show you what’s ripening around you. I will quicken your eyes to the harvest around you. Let’s worship.

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