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Voices: Chuck Pierce
Date Given: June 28, 2020
Chuck Pierce – And I say to you, I have a people who can hear in the midst of the darkness. So I say to the darkness, keep crouching in. Keep coming in. For I’ve trained the people. Who know how to hear. And even know what darkness is saying. And their light will surprise you in days ahead. Their light will pass you and cause you to be seen for what you are. I say to you, know this, I have a people who do not fear the dark. I see light and I see dark. As the same, as one day. So I have a people who know how to walk throughout the day. I have a people who know how to walk in the day. I have a people who know how to walk. While light is still forming within them. So I say to you, fear not that darkness. That is crouching in. To remove your liberties. For this is a day that I have a people that will surprise the enemy.
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