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Voices: Barbara Wentroble, Chuck Pierce, Diana Lookabaugh, Keevy Phillips, Marcia Dunn, Mark Waldrep, Suzanne Harrington
Date Given: July 31, 2022
Keevy Phillips – And the Lord would say to you that by your own word and by the own movement that you have made in the past, you have built a jail cell that has not allowed you to see the real freedom and the real land that I would have you go into. The message and the situations and the conundrums that you’re in now are done by the own words and the lack of freedom and movement that you’ve created that is not from Me. But in the same vein, God says, with that mouth that you’ve cursed, you can come into alignment with blessing. I say choose the blessing of the Lord that maketh rich. Choose the blessing and disassociate with the curse. You are in a mess because of your mouth, but you can come into alignment with blessing. Speak forth blessing and watch how I change the situation that you’re in, says the Lord.
Mark Waldrep – I heard the Lord say a few minutes ago that I am walking with you today to review everything that hinders faith. With the partnership in Me, we’re laying it down. And you’re gonna go into a new place with Me. Prepare for what is coming. And you’re not to fear it. You’re gonna plow through it in faith and joy, no matter what the storm looks like.
Chuck Pierce – That’s a word from God.
Barbara Wentroble – As I was worshiping the Lord, I saw where there had been a people in the earth who did not like freedom and did not want you coming into your freedom. And it was like they took a thread and they began to weave that thread together until it became a death shroud to put over the people of God to cause a death to your freedom so that you could not rise up. But God has a people in the earth with eyes of the Spirit and they saw what the enemy was trying to do and so I gave them the wisdom and the revelation to find the end of that thread and they began to unravel the death shroud. And God said there’s an unraveling that is taking place today and there’s a people that are pulling on that thread so that the death shroud can no longer cover the minds and the eyes of God’s people. I say there’s an unraveling taking place. For My people will rise up and once again possess the freedom that I have prepared for them.
Diana Lookabaugh – And God said I’m a miracle-working God and I came here today to meet you with a miracle. Receive your miracle today and watch Me do miracle after miracle after miracle in this hour.
Chuck Pierce – Lord, we say You are free to move. Shout it. Free to move. Free to move. And the Lord says I took the keys to hell and I am ready to spread those keys so you can unlock what hell has locked up. Get ready. You are entering an unlocking time. And you will be able to see what hell is doing and you will unlock the captives and then re-lock the gate that hell is, has opened in the past.
Suzanne Harrington – Speaking in the Spirit
Chuck Pierce – For I say there’s a cry that’s rising up to heaven and in that cry that sound is coming into My throne. This is a cry that I will respond to and I will start gathering people in new groups and new gatherings and drawing them in for a major release. I have a movement that I am creating. Be free in this movement of freedom, saith the Lord.
Marcia Dunn – And the Lord… I also heard… I also heard in that tongue that in this movement that’s coming that you will become unstoppable, that some of you have thought that you were stopped but you are unstoppable.
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