
Four Years to Create a Dome of Protection Over Houston

Voices: Chuck Pierce
Date Given: April 16, 2022

Chuck Pierce – One of our next major wars, that influences this nation will be coming out of Houston. Houston is the perfect target for an evil enemy that would hate this nation. My life’s devotion is to see Houston have revival. Jill, Jill, thank you for being here. It’s one of my life’s devotion because I know, the impact it will have on a nation, if that city revives. Houston was the city that was offered revival first, Los Angeles received revival. Now that’s very, very important that you understand that, Houston rejected it. They were too prejudiced and too religious to receive it. You will be offered revival, and a move of God, to save this nation in that city, enter in and be part of that move of God. Be part of what God is going to do. Watch how He chooses to do this. Don’t try to create it yourself. Stand firm in what you are called to do and be where you are called to be. But He will come again to you and offer you, an incredible move of His spirit. In the midst of His offer, do not reject it because it is not about Houston, it is about saving a nation.

And I say to you, create a dome of My protection over that city, over its surrounding. And when I say Houston, I mean the 10 cities that surround it. Know that the enemy would love to pierce the dome of protection, that I am longing to see formed over that entire region. I say to you, go as far as Port Arthur, and then go as far as Corpus Christi and create a dome of protection. “I say, ready yourself, I will come through the dome first,” sayeth the Lord. If you will receive Me through the dome, I will begin to war on your behalf when the enemy tries to pierce the dome. I say, ready yourself for in the next four years, I want to see this dome formed, and I want people who drive under this dome to know, that, in this particular territory I am in your midst. I say, I will send many to you, to come in and experience Me there. There will be great changes in the church of Houston. And I say, watch because the church you see now is not the church you will see. “And those who try to keep the church intact as it is, “I will begin to deal with them,” sayeth the Lord. For I say, I must have a whole territory. I must have this whole region called America. And I say, ready yourself because you are My target first, before the enemy targets you. Wow!

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