
Get Positioned for the New Land Ahead

Voices: Chuck Pierce, Shatece McLeod
Date Given: May 20, 2018

  • Chuck Pierce

And the Lord says “Did I not take the ordinary in Abraham and put together a plan that would graft many into and bring blessings into the earth?”. I say I am putting a plan together for you. Watch this week for new pieces will fall in place. That which couldn’t be positioned will get positioned. I say to you, the plan, the intricate workings, that you have not understood, I will open your eyes to this hour.

  • Shatece McLeod

(Speaking in the Spirit)

  • Chuck Pierce

And I say you’ve had much adversity and many winds that have tried to push you back from the ground that you’ve taken. I say many tides have tried to redirect you but I say to you this hour, new land ahead. New land ahead. New land ahead. I say to you shout new land ahead, for you are coming through a tide and a wind and a sound and a quaking and a movement and into a footing you have not known.

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