
Glory Is Coming Back to California

Voices: Chuck Pierce, Keith Pierce, Robyn Vincent
Date Given: August 23, 2020

Robyn Vincent – I keep hearing the Lord say, for us to look again. Look again for the gold. Look again for the gold. Look again for the glory of God. I keep hearing the Lord say, even when we were praying for Houston, I heard the Lord say, that the storm is coming. The storm is coming, but it’s gonna break the gold through. It’s gonna cause the gold to come through. I heard the Lord say, even in the storm, there’s a vein of gold. Even when Christine began to talk about the gold dust, she said, look for the gold. I heard the Lord say, look for the gold. There’s a vein of gold. The Lord says, look for it. In the storm, in the wind, in the flood, there is glory. There is glory in Jesus’ name.

Chuck Pierce – California we say, there is a new vein of glory that’s coming through you. We speak to that evil root. We say dry up. Dry up. Dry up. We say, let glory, come forth. Shout every person from California. Stand up right now and shout glory. Decree Psalms 29, across that state this week. Glory is coming back to California.

Keith Pierce – Yesterday, the Lord spoke to me very, very clearly. And He said, you have a personal interest in California. I said, really? And He said, yeah, Rebecca Nathan and Samuel. And I want you to rise up. And this was probably about 11:30 yesterday. And He said, I want you to rise up, and I want you to take your stand, against, something that is closed, that I’ve called to be open. Because it will not capture, hinder, or deter, your bloodline that is in that state, that is tied to this state. He said, rise up with a roar and let the fire of God, be a consuming fire, that contains until I say release, and then let it consume everything that is anti-Me, because that is a state that I placed under Me, just like it is a state, in Texas that is under Me.

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