
Grab a Hold of The Rope of His Love

Voices: Chuck Pierce, LeAnn Squier
Date Given: November 28, 2021

LeAnn Squier- This morning in my prayer time with the Lord, I got up at like 2:55. It was so early and I couldn’t go back to sleep. And I just felt like the Lord just said, “Get up, get up.” And I began to pray and I prayed in the Spirit, and I just saw lots of people that had just reached the end of their rope. Like, they were just trying to hang on. And I wanna tell you something. The one thing that you need to know is that you are so valuable and the Lord loves you so much. You are so loved. You are so important in the big scheme of things. You are so treasured. You are so needed. You are so valuable. And I just felt like the Lord was just pushing that out, pushing that message out today, just receive, receive, receive all that He has done. He did it because He loves you so much. He loves you. Hold on. Let Him come in. Let Him circle you up with the angels, with the body of Christ. Just hang on to Him. Hang on to Him.

Chuck Pierce – That’s where you find Him, right at the end of the rope, because you know what that word means? It means hope. See, the word hope means a rope extending. Some of you need to let go of one rope and grab hold of hope.

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