
He’s Aligning Our Desires and Emotions

Voices: Tiffany Smith
Date Given: February 2, 2020

Tiffany Smith – I just have to share a testimony. So over the last few months, I’ve been just walking through a process of healing with the Lord. And it’s been pretty painful. Like, it’s been like years of things that I just kind of packed down over and over again, didn’t want to look at, didn’t want to deal with, and so the Lord has been kind of inching closer to these areas, and I have not wanted to let Him close to these places. I mean, it was places of shame, it was places of pain and I just thought this is too much. Like I don’t want you to touch it, I don’t want to talk about it, I don’t want to face it. And I’m hearing that in the atmosphere that some of you are saying like, it’s too much to deal with, it’s too much to align in this place of healing, but this is the year of 2020 vision. And if you want to get an alignment with what God is doing, you’re gonna have to let Him touch those places on the inside of you. And He loves you, He wants to touch those places. I love the scripture in Song of Solomon that says “how anointed are Your words?” “Words that both pierce and heal me”, both pierce and heal me. And so today is a day where He is aligning our desires, He’s aligning our emotions, and if you will get in line with Him, if you will take a step of faith, if you’ll open up yourself and let Him touch those places in you, He’s gonna heal you. He is gonna show you the path of deliverance that you need to walk out. So Lord I just thank You that You’re releasing Your love. God I thank You, that even though I have grown up in church there came a point in my life where I thought I’ve never experienced this freedom. I’ve never experienced this love and this deliverance, and so God I thank You that you’re washing over us. In Jesus’ name.

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