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Voices: Chuck Pierce, Keevy Phillips, Keith Pierce
Date Given: April 5, 2020
Chuck Pierce – I say America, come forth I say, to My people, come forth in America come forth in Singapore come forth in Asia come forth in Africa come forth in South America come forth in Central America come forth in Canada come forth in Mexico come forth in the islands I say come forth!
Keith Pierce – And right now I speak, I speak to New York City and I say come forth, come forth, throw off your grave clothes and come forth. Los Angeles, throw off your grave clothes and come forth. New Orleans, throw off your grave clothes and come forth. Dallas, Denton, Fort worth, Frisco, throw off your grave clothes and come forth Call out! call out! Like He did on Lazarus that they will come out and meet you the grave cant hold them down any longer.
Chuck Pierce – Houston, I say come forth Seattle, come forth I say to you, this is a day to cry out Chicago don’t bow down come forth, come forth, repent and come forth I say to New York City, repent, repent for exalting and celebrating the loss of a new generation repent and come forth, I say repent and come forth, repent and come forth. This is My hour saith the Lord. Israel lead the way into a new era. I say, Great Britain repent for anti-Semitism I say Italy repent for anti-Semitism Spain repent, France rise up into not humanism but my kingdom mindset I say its a day it’s an hour that I’m awakening this earth.
Keevy Phillips – And the Lord will say to you Dallas Texas, this is a day not to be lukewarm but the Lord says you have been hot one season and cold another and have been indecisive but the Lord says today is your day to choose you, who you’re gonna serve Dallas Texas and the surroundings areas know this day I have come to break away lukewarmness off of your churches off of your government off of the people of God in this land says the Lord rise up and tell the devil back off in Jesus name Dallas Texas this is your day to rise up for your greatest hour is at hand no matter what they’re saying about you the churches in Dallas Texas are getting ready to rise up with great fire disapprove of lukewarmnism I say the Lord. I’m disapproving of it and today I’m approving of your voice to rise up says the spirit of the lord.
Chuck Pierce – Now notice that flag of the nations was turned upside down, we decree an overturning, overturning, overturning in the nations right now Lord we loose it during this time.
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