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Voices: Chuck Pierce, James Vincent
Date Given: April 10, 2020
James Vincent – ♪ Jesus is here. Jesus is here. Yeshua is here. Yeshua is here. Yeshua is here. Yeshua is here. Yeshua is here. Yeshua is here. Yeshua is here. Reach out and touch the hem of his garment. Reach out and touch right now. Reach out and touch the hem of his garment. Reach out and touch right now. Jesus is here ♪
Chuck Pierce – And I say to you, I’m on a journey, I’m moving through nations. I am coming. I am evaluating nations. I’m evaluating my foundation. My, my government in lands. I say I’m moving through lands. And without my government, a unity of the faith cannot arise. I say I am journeying through lands, through nations, to see if they acknowledge me. Reach out. Reach out. Press through. For this is the timing of my visitation. Watch as I press through your region.
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