
I Am Refurbishing My Name in You

Voices: Chuck Pierce
Date Given: November 13, 2022

Chuck Pierce – When I walked up here, I saw something. You wanna remember that, to the entry way of anything, there’s a name. The name has been etched. You could go to the gates of the college here. You could go to the city. You, but you are the same thing. And I saw the Lord doing something over us starting today through the end of the year. He says, “I will be doing a refurbishing of My name in you.” He said, “I will be sandblasting. I will be polishing and I will be preparing and adding lights to My name in you. I say to you, get ready, you will display My name, and many will run to it.” And on this gate that you’re becoming He said, I’m expanding the words on this gate. My people know Me as one thing and I want them to know Me as multifaceted. I want them to know many ways that I can manifest in their life. I want them to know how creative I am to expand and be what they need Me to be. I say to you, get ready. Not only am I polishing, sandblasting, but I’m expanding your gate. I am the beginner and the finisher. I say to you, many of you are coming to a finishing place so you can begin again, sayeth the Lord.

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