
I Am Rumbling Your Compassion

Voices: Chuck Pierce, Marty Cassady, Shatece McLeod
Date Given: May 17, 2020

Shatece McLeod – Speaking in the Spirit.

Chuck Pierce – The rumbling that’s going on is within you, sayeth the Lord. You keep watching for the Earth to rumble but I’m rumbling the bowels of your compassion. I say that which has been locked up in you, that which has not been touched, that which has been held back, I say I am rumbling that. I am rumbling that. And I say the cause of the rumble, I will create a movement through it. Is it not the compassion within you that will cause miracles of who I am to be seen? I am rumbling.

Marty Cassady – And the Lord says I am coming as a refiner’s fire. He says I am coming to refine you in the days before Pentecost. I am coming as a refiner’s fire, to get you ready, to dig things out, to say to you I want you to shine with My glory. With My glory, says the Lord. Receive the refiner’s fire!

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