
I Am Throwing a Wrench in Your Cycle

Voices: James Vincent
Date Given: June 14, 2020

James Vincent –  ♪ This morning as I was driving here, The Lord showed me a very vivid picture. And what I saw was one of those walkers Like you see at an airport Where it’s turning on a belt. And what I saw was people, me, others Walking the opposite way on this belt. While this belt was going this way We were trying to go that way. And we weren’t getting anywhere. We weren’t getting anywhere. And the Lord said, “The earth Is spinning on a different axis. But it’s like the world doesn’t know it. It’s like the world doesn’t see it. Even My people don’t see that the earth Has begun to spin in a different way. And I’m calling you to stop And go the way I’m telling you to go.

If you roll with Me You will be where I’m calling you to be. Won’t you just rest? Won’t you just rest?” And then what I saw, Just before Jane began to sing About coming and dining with the Lord. I saw myself just stop on this belt And the Lord took me to the end of that belt And I stood there. And the Lord said, “This is where I’m calling you. If you allow Me to just take you Where I’m taking you, you will rest. And then you can circumvent What the enemy is trying to cause you to walk in.” And He said, “I’m throwing a wrench in your cycle. I’m throwing a wrench in your cycle So that you can move with Me. So that you can rest with Me. So that you can see My feet. So that you can rest at My feet.” And I began to say, Lord throw the wrench in my cycle! Throw the wrench in our cycle! We rest with You. We rest with You! We rest with You! We rest with You! You will lead us to paths of righteousness For Your namesake, yeah.

We rest with You, yeah. We rest with You, yeah. We rest with You. Throw a wrench in my cycle God. Throw a wrench in my cycle God. Stop me in my tracks. Stop me in my tracks. I’m no longer busy about many things, But I’m coming to Your feet, yeah. We’re no longer busy about many things, But we’re coming to Your feet. Just throw a wrench in our cycle, God. Throw a wrench in our cycle, God. For You have began to spin things In a different way. The turning new, the turning new, And we’re fighting. The world is pushing. Even the church is pushing. But God, You have a remnant who will stop. You have a remnant who will rest at your feet.

You have a remnant who have found that better place in You. You lead us to the paths of righteousness. You lead us to peaceful waters. You lead us to greener pastures. You lead us to Your full desire. You lead us to where You’re taking us. You lead us to the throne of Heaven. You lead us to sing with angels. You lead us, You lead us. You lead us to sit at Your feet! You lead us to hear Your voice. You lead us to be where You are! Throw a wrench in my cycle, God. Throw a wrench in our cycle, God. Throw a wrench in our cycle So we can be where you are. ♪

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