
I Am Tightening My Belt Around You

Voices: Anne Tate, Chuck Pierce
Date Given: March 29, 2020

Chuck Pierce – Now everybody shout, “It is time to tighten our belt!” That’s what that means. He undergirds us, we gird up our strength. We gird up our loins. And we are getting ready to make a shift.

Anne Tate – The Lord says, “Be gathered to me this week and see my belt come around you as the body of Christ. And I will tighten it. And I will pour my strength in to you for this battle. It is not too much for us.”

Daniel Pierce – The Lord just showed me this passage out of Exodus 12:11 it says, “And you shall eat with your loins girded and your shoes on your feet and your staff in your hand, and you shall eat in haste on the Lord’s Passover.” Now, we know Passover is coming up and I just released a word about the belt. How the belt is tightening. The belt symbolizes preparing for what’s to come. Preparing for the movement that the Lord is gonna take us into. So as they continue to sing this song right now, just join in with us and speak to that mountain. That mountain is about to have to move. And as we see the picture of the Lord tightening that belt around us, we are about to take His Passover and we are about to move forward in His word.

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