
I’m Changing You from a Disrupter to an Erupter

Voices: Anne Tate, Barbara Wentroble, Chuck Pierce
Date Given: January 4, 2020

Barbara Wentroble – I keep hearing the spirit of the Lord say, “I am coming with a disrupting spirit in My people this year. I say, I’m getting ready to disrupt some things. I’m going to disrupt some old political structures. I’m going to disrupt some religious structures. I’m going to disrupt some gender structures. I say, this is a year you’re going to see Me disrupt in a new way.” The Lord said, “Many of you, when you were growing up, you were always in trouble because you were a disrupter.” And God said, “Now you’re not in trouble, you’re going to cause trouble. I say you’re going to cause trouble to the enemy’s camp. I say that disruptive spirit that I put in you is ready to break forth.” “Watch Me,” says the Lord, “And see what I’m getting ready to do with My people in this hour.”

Chuck Pierce – “And I say I’m changing you from a disrupter to an erupter. I say you will erupt this year. And that fire that’s been held in your bones is going to come out and spew all over things that need to catch on fire. I say get ready, My people will erupt and cause lots of change in the earth this era.”

Barbara Wentroble – “And I say that power that’s been building up on the inside of you that’s you’ve tried to hold back, I say this is not the season to hold back, this is the season to release and to turn loose. I say there’s a power within you that is greater than the power of the enemy. I say this is your time,” says the spirit of the Lord. “I say this is not a time to hold around the edges and to wait for another time. I say I am about to release that power, it will be like an explosion,” says the Lord. “And the world will wonder what has happened, but I say it’s because My people know who they are and they are prepared and ready for this season that I have brought them into.”

Anne Tate – “Because I’ve called you to a new place. I’ve called you to a new time and you’re going to explode into it.” The Lord says, “I’ve called you with a purpose and all the old boundaries are going to give way and you’re going to explore and explode into a new paradigm in this season. You are my pioneers.”

Chuck Pierce – Put your hand on somebody and say the Lord’s making a way for you. I see something here. The Lord says, “And we are leaving that gleaning season.” And God says, “I’m putting you right in the middle of harvest time. Pick up the harvest.” I see Shatece back here has done left her worship station and gotten over with the dancers. The Lord says, “I’m going to shift you into some new places. Get ready for you have been held with one identity but there’s more in you than you even know and I’m going to shift you into some new places this year.”

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