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Voices: Chuck Pierce, Deborah DeGar, Keevy Phillips
Date Given: September 24, 2022
Deborah DeGar- Speaking in Tongues
Chuck Pierce – And I say to you, you’ve been surveying your path from too low of a view. So I say, be like a Reebok and jump up to a higher level. And you’re saying, but God, I don’t know that I can be surefooted in that area. But the Lord says I will make you surefooted if you will leap up. If you will leap up, if you will pull away and leap up to a higher place you’ll see the path that I have for you in the year ahead. Quit surveying from so low. Go to the highest place, and then you’ll find the source of your supply for the next season.
Keevy Phillips – And the Lord would say to you that you have come into agreement out of fear with the religious spirit and not willing to touch others and not willing to go where they are. But the Lord says today that that spirit is leaving My people. And it’s time to get out, not just of the church but get outside of yourself and go minister to people that needs your help. I say be not dismayed and not come into the spirit of fear but get into faith this hour. The Lord says, you have you have come into a religious spirit and you judge everybody based on what they’re doing. And that is not the love of God that I would have you display this hour. From this time all the way until Halloween, says the Lord, you spread the love of God and quit judging others. It’s not about coming into this church. It’s about spreading his love out there. And you might have to do something different from this time onto Halloween. Hear me, by the spirit of God, watch how God is going to use you from now till Halloween. For I long to reclaim that day, for every day is the day that I have made and quit judging trick-or-treaters and be the light of Christ to them, says the Lord. From this time to Halloween, be the light of the world says the spirit of God. I am on the move, says the Lord.
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