
My Landscape Is Designed for Glory

Voices: Chad Foxworth, Chuck Pierce, Keevy Phillips, Michelle Hadley, Shatece McLeod
Date Given: March 12, 2023

Shatece McLeod – Speaking in Toungues

Chuck Pierce – And I say to you, I am relandscaping that portion that I’ve given you. Watch as I designed the landscape. It will be occupied with My glory. But watch, for I am recreating the area that I’m giving you authority in. Watch Me change your territory and you rise up in a new way.

Keevy Phillips – For the Lord would say to you that I am calling you to change your garment this season. For the places that you walk will need to have favor. I say, “Take off the garment of heaviness and wear favor,” says the Spirit of the Lord. The Lord says, “You’ve agreed with false humility far too long and if it’s in your boundaries, it belongs to you.” I say, “Wear favor this hour.” I say, “Wear favor this hour.” I say, “Wear favor this hour,” says the Spirit of the Lord.

Chuck Pierce – Now, false humility is pride. Now, that’s all that is. It’s just a sweet form of pride. There’s nothing sweet about you trying to be humble. It ain’t gonna work out for you. It is nothing but pride. Are you saying, “I’m not capable of doing that?” All you’re saying is, “I don’t wanna make a mistake” or “I don’t wanna fail.” That is pride. The Lord says, “I’m delivering My people from pride this season.”

Michelle Hadley – ♪ No one can come against us ♪ ♪ It will never prosper ♪ ♪ This is our heritage ♪ ♪ This is our heritage ♪ ♪ This is our heritage ♪ ♪ No weapon formed against us ♪ ♪ It will never prosper ♪ ♪ This is our heritage ♪ ♪ This is our heritage ♪ ♪ This is our heritage ♪

Chad Foxworth – I heard something in that tongue and Michelle, she’s singing it now. There’s something God is doing with the gatekeepers of this earth. He is realigning their desires. What He’s doing is He’s set in place family again, He’s set in place the first war unit, so we can move forth as a war unit and as a family unit. So I say to the gatekeepers, your desires are being realigned today. The Jael anointing is being put on you so that you war for your family! So we decree right now in the name of Jesus this is being set in place and it starts in the house of God, in the body of Christ. The gatekeepers are being realigned. Their desires are being realigned.

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