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Voices: Chuck Pierce, Keevy Phillips
Date Given: September 26, 2019
– [Chuck Pierce] – The Lord says this is a season, I will draw the sound of my kingdom out of my people. And when they gather they will not look like what they’ve ever looked like before. They will begin to express themselves in new ways. They will be liberated to be who I made them to be. And I say to you, watch now for I will be calling you into a new kingdom place this season, you will be demonstrating who I am uniquely in you. Get ready, as you move with me this year for there would be a move but of my voice through my people that the Earth has not seen.
[Keevy Phillips] – What the Lord says even now, this is a day I am decolonizing the church as the Spirit of the Lord. For the Lord says imperial powers have quenched My spirit but the Lord says, no longer will that happen to the Spirit of the Lord. I’m going deep within your roots, deep within your roots and calling out My kingdom expression. So know this day that imperialism, and colonization has ended in the body of Christ through worship. The Lord says, even now, I will start with America says the Spirit of the Lord, and I will go specifically to the nation of Mozambique, says the Spirit of the Lord and begin to pull colonialism out of the worship so My people can express who I am, says the Spirit of the Lord.
[Chuck Pierce] – And I say England is in turmoil. Because they have never been liberated to worship Me I say I will go in and liberate that which cause many to be unliberated. I say that nation of England is in turmoil but I will enter in and draw sound from them. I say the United Kingdom will begin to shake in a way that it’s never shaken. And the voice that is never aligned with My voice will begin to be heard in the land. I say to America, you are on the verge of coming into a major earthquake of my power. It will create great divisions, in three ways throughout this land. But I say to you, My voice will fill the rifts, between my people. And if you will step into the rift you will be healed sayeth the Lord. I say to you, it’s a new season. It’s a new sound. Enter into this new era The Lord says, this is the beginning of a new era. Worship Me in a way you have never worshiped me before.
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