
New Revelation at the Mountaintop

Voices: Norma Urrabazo
Date Given: August 20, 2023

Norma Urrabazo – And the Lord showed me this person that was coming up to the top of a mountain, almost like climbing almost to the top and the Lord showed me that this person was gonna get a new revelation of sight and a new way of knowing Him that was deeper than before and in the new season, as this person was approaching, there was gonna be this level of revelation that was gonna be opened and so I’m like, “I see that Lord.” And then I saw the sign and the sign said, ‘You’re almost there.” And so I just heard the Lord say, “You’re almost there. Don’t give up and don’t give in. You’re almost there.” And so I’m releasing this word over this, over me, over you, over this person that’s listening to me right now, whether you’re here or whether you’re online and so I’m releasing this in the Spirit and then I see the breath of God just filling the lungs of this person. It’s almost as if I could see with X-ray vision and I saw the Lord just breathing upon you and so I just speak that over you right now that the holy breath of God is coming upon you in a new way and you’re gonna release the strength and this force to make it because you’re almost there and when you get there, you’re gonna have the ability to see and to know Him because you are His and He is yours and He is with you. He’s gonna push you over to where you need to be, so that when you get to the other side, you can grab ahold of the level of abundance, so press in, press in because you’re almost there, says the Lord.

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