
Overcome Evil by Doing Good

Voices: Chuck Pierce, Keevy Phillips
Date Given: July 25, 2021

Keevy Phillips – The Lord says, “Some of you, “have been afraid to go where I’ve sent you. “And I’ve sent you to the bar where all the drunks hang out, “because there are barren ones that need to see.” You need to repent for fear of going to the bar where people I have called you to be with are there. Father, we say we’re not afraid to go to the bar where the drunks hang out, where the prostitutes hang out, where the publicans hang out, Father, there is harvest out there. Grab on to that streamer and let the Lord pull you into some dirty juke joint because there is treasure in the trash, says the Lord.

Chuck Pierce – Decree you will not be afraid to overcome evil, say it out loud. I will overcome evil with good. That is a scripture out of Romans, Chapter 12. I will overcome evil by doing good. Say it out loud.

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