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Voices: Keevy Phillips
Date Given: April 9, 2020
Keevy Phillips – And the Lord will say to you even now pick up your harp again, David, says the Spirit of the Lord. For the Lord says even now to the rural states of America and the agricultural industry across the world begin to pick up your harps again for out in the fields is where I met David, says the Lord. So the Lord says even now pick up your harp again. Pick up your banjo again says the Lord, for the Lord says even now in the cowboy community there is revival coming to the Buckle Men says the Spirit of the Lord and the barrel racers will begin the barrel race in the Spirit, says the Lord.
Get on your horse and ride, this is the day I am calling you out of extremity, says the Lord. Know this day, it is time to pick up your harp, pick up your guitar, pick up your banjo again. Play that harmonica in New Orleans, says the Spirit of God. I am bringing you out of obscurity, the Lord says to you. Musicians in Deep Ellum, this is a new day for you to release the sound in Dallas Texas and the surrounding area. The lord says to you, Kansas City, that Jazz sound, it’s bringing revival to Missouri and Kansas, says the spirit of the Lord. The Lord is saying: “David, where are you? “Will you answer the call?” Pick up your harp and worship again, says the Lord.
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