
Portals of Intimacy Are Being Created

Voices: Chuck Pierce, LeAnn Squier, Maggie Wallace
Date Given: January 1, 2022

LeAnn Squier – I’m seeing portals of intimacy are being created. And literally you’re, they’re gonna cut holes in the culture like Swiss cheese. Can you see it? They’re like portals that you’re standing in that are so intimate with God and the portal is walking with you. It’s like where you’re going it’s, it’s with you. So you’re in a portal of intimacy wherever you are, wherever you choose to connect with the Lord. And you, this is a year of intention. We’re gonna have to just really know what we’re wanting, what God is calling us to.

So this is an intentional portal of intimacy. And when you are out of these places, you’re gonna be in a different dimension than what you’re in. There’s a world system, there’s a Babylonian system and structure. We’re in the world but we’re not of it. So this other place, which is heaven’s atmosphere and a portal of intimacy with God is surrounding you. And it’s cutting holes into the enemy’s dimension. And I just want to encourage you. I want you to ask the Lord to open your eyes to see what I’m seeing. So you can understand how to strategically walk in that and use it and know. And when you come into a place you’re gonna just say okay, where I’m standing is holy ground, where I’m walking, where I’m speaking, I’m speaking out of this portal. I’m speaking out of this heavenly atmosphere. I’m speaking out of this dimension. And I’m gonna tell you we’re gonna start cutting holes like Swiss cheese into the enemy’s dominion.

Maggie Wallace – ♪ The atmosphere is changing now ♪ ♪ The atmosphere is changing now ♪ ♪ ‘Cause I’m here, so He’s here ♪ ♪ I’m here, so He’s here ♪ ♪ The atmosphere is changing now ♪ ♪ The atmosphere is changing now ♪ ♪ I’m here, so He’s here ♪ ♪ I’m here, so He’s here ♪ ♪ I’m here so kingdom is here ♪ ♪ I’m here so peace is here ♪ ♪ I’m here so warfare is here ♪ ♪ I’m here so joy is here ♪ ♪ I’m here so strength is here ♪ ♪ I’m here so He is here, He’s here ♪ ♪ He’s here, He’s everywhere I walk ♪ ♪ Oh He’s here, He’s here ♪ ♪ He’s everywhere I walk ♪ ♪ Oh He is here ♪ ♪ Oh He is here ♪

LeAnn Squier – Weaken the structures, weaken the structures ♪ By punching holes ♪ The God shaped holes. You’re punching God shaped holes in the structure. Not by trying real hard, but by being in a place of intimacy with the father. And having heaven’s atmosphere surround you. You gotta tear it up, you’re gonna tear it up. You’re gonna tear it up. You’re gonna tear it up. Just by the presence, just by the presence, just by the kingdom presence, just by the presence of God, just by the presence of the angels right in that little portal.

Chuck Pierce – Now ask the Lord to realign your time. He predetermines your time and your place. That’s how that portal stays with you. Now just ask him right now, pray. Just say Lord, I’m at the right place at the right time right now. So realign me from this moment. It’s almost like He’s dropping a plumb line down on you and wherever we’ve all come from He’s realigning us from time today. So every step we take will have a distinct new order in our building plan. Father right now align us.

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