
Press Against the Cages

Voices: LeAnn Squier
Date Given: November 29, 2020

LeAnn Squier – I saw this morning as we came in. I saw people in cages and boxes, and I saw that you are not as big as you’re going to be. You are not taking up as much space, as you’re about to take up. And the Lord says, “you’re going to expand to the left and the right.” And you’re gonna capture some new understanding, of who you really are. And I’m seeing there are lions, tigers, bears, inside of you guys.

And you know what, pent-up too long , pent-up too long, pent-up too long, pent-up too long, pent-up too long And the Lord is gonna open your cages. Begin to just press against the cages, press against the boxes, press against the identities. And you know what? Some of us we identify ourselves as a woman, as a person of color, as an intellectual, as a, like a janitor. Those boxes have got to go. Those boxes have got to go. You are bigger than that. You are more than that. He’s made you more. You’re going to begin to take up space. And some of you are gonna be trees with huge branches, that people can come in and find shelter under. Some of you are gonna be huge tents, that people can come in under and find shelter.

And the Lord just said, “you’ve made yourself too small”, begin to stretch, begin to release, begin to find freedom, press out your voice, press out your area, press out your territory. Press it out, press it out, press it out, press it out. push it out, push it out, push it up. He has made you to take up space.

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