
Pull Aside and Have Tea With Me

Voices: Chuck Pierce, Keevy Phillips, Shatece McLeod
Date Given: November 6, 2022

Shatece McLeod – Speaking in Tongues

Chuck Pierce – “And I say, I’m calling for our tea time this week. I am, I am saying, come and sit with Me and repeat the things I’ve said to you. I say, I want to hear My word. Come back to Me.” Sayeth the Lord. “So I say, Pull aside and have tea with Me and let us discuss together what I intend to do. Then I say, Open your eyes. Be refreshed and watch Me work.”

Keevy Phillips – And the Lord would say to you, “This is a time for you to rediscover your authority.” says the spirit of the Lord. And the Lord says, especially to the parents, this hour, “It is time for you to rediscover who I’ve created you to be. So as you are going through this week it is a time to open your mouth and fill it with My words back to Me.” says the spirit of the Lord. “For many of you have been gentle as a lamb and have forgotten to kick in the lion, that I’ve called you to be.” says the spirit of the Lord. “For there is dysfunction, yes dysfunction in your family and you have allowed it because you have not opened up your mouth with the authority that I have given you. So in this week of divine recovery and rehearsing the word back to Me says the spirit of the Lord. I am giving you back your authority that you have willfully let go. And I am saying it is time for you as parents to go to your children and restore and recover all, for I desire time to be redeemed.” For many of you in this last three years have lost relationship with children. But the Lord says, “Even still I am reversing that this hour.” says the Lord. “I am retraining your thoughts on what it means to be a parent.” The Lord says, “There is a new level of giving coming out of the parent because I gave My son.” says the spirit of the Lord. “Regain your authority. Sip the tea that I have given you and taste and see what authority will do for you.” Says the spirit of the Lord.

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