
Receive the Breath, Sound, Walk, and Authority of Life

Voices: Chuck Pierce, Keith Pierce
Date Given: July 23, 2023

Chuck Pierce – The atmosphere is impregnated with death. You are impregnated with life. Let it be heard.

Keith Pierce – You know, as Chuck said that a minute ago when he, told us to pray for Mark Waldrop. I want y’all to send your hands to him. Cause the Lord spoke to me.

Chuck Pierce – He’s on the web except as everybody on, yeah. And your head, the web, everybody on the web that sickness is trying to sting, the sting of death.

Keith Pierce – Yeah, because the Lord spoke to me specifically that he has come to Mark’s house today to abort death. It is not a part of his reproduction. It is not a part of his pregnancy for the future. So right now we say in the name of Jesus cancer and death be aborted and let life and life abundantly be reproduced. Lift up a shout to the king.

Chuck Pierce – Brian bring Doris up here. Now let me tell you something. She is 94 years old and filled with life. You need to get life flowing through you. You need to have the breadth of life the sound of life, the walk of life and the authority over death and move forward. See this testimony.

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