
Sew Your Straw Into Gold

Voices: Chuck Pierce, Jane Arenas
Date Given: April 24, 2022

Jane Arenas – Singing in the Spirit

Chuck Pierce – And I say to you, some of you have been in a state that which is in you would not let go. But I tell you today, I am going to do a ketosis work upon you. And things are gonna start kicking in that could not kick in, and things are gonna start moving that could not move. And then, I’m going to give you such piercing directed, anointed instructions that all the haystacks that have been stacked up in your life, you’ll find every needle that’s been hidden in that haystack. I say, get ready, you’re about to find the needles, and you are about to sew and make what was straw into gold, sayeth the Lord.

Sayeth the Lord, I don’t hear tounges I hear what heaven says when He says it. Get ready, get you a thimble and get ready to sew and get a spinning wheel, and get ready to spin all your straw into gold!

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