
The Church Is Coming Into a Resurrected Season

Voices: Isaac Pitre
Date Given: January 1, 2023

Isaac Pitre – We are going to function, up under a resurrected dimension. Whoo! Put your hand on yourself. And say it, say I’m going into the resurrected dimension. I believe that this is what the Lord was speaking to Chuck, where we would arrive at, by passover, God is going to form in you this new authority. It’s going to be as if you have been turned into another man and another woman and you will begin to speak as one with authority. You will begin to think as one with authority. You will begin to act as one with authority. You will pray with a brand new mantle of authority. Receive it as it comes upon you, for you have now entered up under a season of resurrection grace, saith the Lord. And it is not just a season, but it is a life that I’ve called you into. But you shall see this, revelations of it and dimensions of it. I will take you into the length and the width and the breadth and the height. I will explore the dimensions of it in you. I will take you in the depths in me. You have never been in, never seen, never fathom were there. You shall experience them, for I’m taking the church in this season into a resurrected dimension where you will experience the length, the width, the breadth, the height, and to know the knowledge of God which passes understanding that you may be filled with all of the fullness of God, saith the Lord. Whoo! My God.

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