
The Complex Becomes Simple This Month

Voices: Chuck Pierce
Date Given: August 23, 2020

Chuck Pierce

I want us to enter into communion with Him. I want you to ask the Lord daily how to commune with Him new and fresh. Let me prophesy something over you. This is going to be a month in your life where what seems so complex, all of a sudden you’re gonna see how to put a new system together so you can step into and experience a new working of energy based upon what you’ve been working on. The Lord says, “The complex become simple in operation this month.” Grab hold to that. Don’t look around at the world think everything is real complex. Bottom line, a lot. Bottom line things. See the bottom line, see past. What appears to be really isn’t. It’s just really simple. I wanna be under God. And I want a nation that decrees, “I’m under God.” Don’t make this real complex. This isn’t about anything else except God. It’s about your eternity. And that’s all that is required for communion. If you have the spirit of God flowing through your veins, if you have received the life of the Lord Jesus Christ in you, His blood is moving through you. There’s been a transference of blood from heaven to unlock your true inheritance, your eternal inheritance that empowers you to, and here’s another point for this month, what it looks like. You’re gonna pivot from the end into the beginning. You need to say right now, “Lord, I thank you that you finished so I could begin.” That’s what this month’s about.

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